Park Restoration Project

Hello, and thank you for your interest in the EVHA park native plant restoration project! In 2021, utility work resulted in several areas of the neighborhood park being cleared of vegetation that provided shade and a screen between the trail and the adjacent houses. Under the guidance of a local member of the Central Arkansas Master Naturalists, we are using this as an opportunity to replace what was cleared with native trees and shrubs better suited to this location.

Starting with the areas affected by utility work, our goal is to clear out non-native invasive species such as Chinese Privet, Silktree/Mimosa, Nandina/Heavenly Bamboo, English Ivy, Periwinkle, and Japanese Honeysuckle. We will replace these invasive species with native trees and shrubs like Pawpaw, Elderberry, Mulberry, Lead Plant, Dogwood, and Wax Myrtle.

Please stay tuned for future updates and neighborhood park cleanup days!